Jeg er TVmannen, og jeg vil gerne takke for din interesse for vores IPTV service!
Før vi kommer i gang, er det vigtigt at vide, hvad de skal forvente og den slags service, vi leverer dig.
Vi er en internet service og kommunikerer med vores klienter e-mail med ingen telefon support eller vil ikke hjælpe personligt ved din bolig adresse. Dette gør det muligt at levere vores service til lav pris i forhold til mange på dette marked.
Mens vores tv-tjeneste er perfekt anvendelig af en ikke-teknisk person til Abonnere på (da tjenesten og IPTVBOXen er plug-and-play). Du behøver kun en minimal viden om å læsning af instruktioner, og kan sende os en
support email hvis det er nødvendigt, til det bedste resultat af vores kundeudbyderforhold.
Lad os nu begynde!
Har du internet, så vi tilbyder enkel løsning til at se Danske og skandinaviske tv-kanaler i Torrevieja, Orihuela Costa, Guardamar, Rojales, Altea, Albir, Alfaz del Pi, Benidorm, Alicante, Costa Blanca, Spanien. Du behøver kun en lille IPTV boks, der opretter forbindelse til internettet router med et netværkskabel. Boksen forbindes til dit TV med HDMI-kabel og resultatet er perfekt billed- og lydkvalitet.
IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) er levering af programmer ved video streaming. Ved traditionel fjernsynsleverance udsendes al programmer samtidigt. De tilgængelige programsignaler strømmer nedstrøms, og seeren vælger hvilket program han vil se ved at ændre kanalen.
IPTV sender derimod kun ét program ad gangen. Indholdet forbliver på tjenesteudbyderens netværk, og kun det program, kunden vælger, sendes til hjemmet. Når en seer ændrer kanalen, sendes en ny strøm fra udbyderens server direkte til seeren. Ligesom kabel-tv kræver IPTV en set-top box (IPTVBOX).
Fungerer det godt? Hvordan er kvaliteten?
Ja, det virker godt og har fantastisk kvalitet!
IPTV er stærkt afhængig af din internetforbindelse, og vi anbefaler en internetforbindelse på mindst 30 Mbit for at det kan fungere godt med HD. Vores HD-kanaler tilbydes i 1080P, hvor du får den maksimale opløsning.
Vi har typisk en oppetid på 99.977% hver 30 dage (med 9 minutter nedetid). Det betyder 99.977% af tiden, alle kanaler fungerer fremragende.
Så med god samvittighed kan vi fortælle dig, at dette virker godt!
Kampagnepris (Begrænset tid)
Vi vil gerne høre fra dig. Din mening betyder noget. Brug venligst vores kontaktformular nedenfor.
Kampagnepris (Begrænset tid)
Nedenfor har vi lavet nogle vejledninger til at downloade.
Herunder har vi opstillet nogle spørgsmål og svar. Hvis du stadig ikke kan finde det, du kigger efter, hold dig da ikke tilbage med at kontakte os via e-mail
Hvordan ser jeg servernes status?
Svarstid på anmodninger til vores IPTV-support?
Udstedelse af en anmodning om kontoaktivering eller teknisk support vil blive besvaret mellem 1 time og 2.
Men vi har til hensigt at svare inden for den time, vi modtager de nævnte anmodning. Men i meget travle timer kan det tage op til 3 timer.
Hvilke slags enheder støtter du?
Vi understøtter vi MAG (Infomir) og alle slags enheder som:
MAG, Android Smart Phone, Android Boxes, Enigma, Dreambox, Vu + (…), PC, VLC, Kodi / XBMC (…) og Smart TV.
Hvor meget båndbredde bruger IPTV-strømmen?
Vores IPTV-strømme bruger den nyeste H264-teknologi, der giver den bedste kompression og kvalitet.
IPTV strømstørrelserne er ca. 8 Mbit. Men når du skifter kanaler, kan H264-protokollen hoppe højere lidt for at begynde at vise billedet. Derfor kræves der en minimumsforbindelsehastighed på 16 Mbit, 30 Mbit for HD-kanaler.
Jeg står over for at buffre problemer med kanaler. Hvad sker der?
Kontroller først din internetforbindelse eller router, og genstart den, og kontroller enhedens indstillinger
hvor du bruger dit IPTV abonnement. Hvis du stadig har problemer, ser det ud til, at din internetudbyder blokerer IPTV-trafikken. Test med anden internetudbyderforbindelse. Du bør ikke få nogen problemer efter at have gjort dette.
Kan jeg bruge to enheder på samme tid på et abonnement?
Nej, det kan du ikke. Multi-tilslutning på 1 konto kan blokere dit brugernavn og din IP-adresse.
(Du kan se IPTV på forskellige enheder, men ikke på samme tid)
Nogle gange, når jeg ser en film, holder den buffering?
Nogle gange kan du opleve buffering på grund af lav internethastighed, høj internettrafik.
Hvis du oplever buffering, skal du trykke på “pause” i 10-15 sekunder og genoptage det meste af tiden, der eliminerer behovet for buffer.
Hvis din boks af en eller anden grund fryser og du ikke kan få adgang til nogle områder, skal du blot fjerne strømforsyningen fra bagsiden af kassen, vente 10 sekunder og genoprette forbindelse.
‘page loading error’ Hvad betyder det?
Hvis din skærm viser en meddelelse, der siger ‘page loading error’, er der et problem med din internetforbindelse.
Tag stikket ud af din internetrouter, vent 10-20 sekunder, og tilslut igen. Det vil tage lidt tid at oprette forbindelse til internettet, så vær tålmodig. Kontroller også, at alle kabler stadig er tilsluttet.
‘your STB is blocked’ meddelelse?
Hvis din boks viser meddelelsen ‘your STB is blocked’, kontakt din udbyder’ email os, og vi vil undersøge problemet og genaktivere boksen.
Hvis du har andre problemer eller bare brug for hjælp til at guide dig selv om din installation, tøv ikke med at kontakte os via e-mail.
Kampagnepris (Begrænset tid)
Kampagnepris (Begrænset tid)
2 enkle trin til at komme i gang med IPTV!
1.) Bestil dit abonnement
2.) Vi aktiverer dit abonnement innen 20 min til 2 timer
Hvis du er i tvivl. Sørg for at Prøve (24 timmar) vores service, før du vælger et abonnement. Vi tilbyder IKKE refusion på fulde abonnementer, når de er konfigureret. Så sørg for at prøve det for at sikre dig, at du er tilfreds med tjenesten og hvordan den virker.
Package contents (channels & movies) are subject to change. Our central provider reserves the right to add, remove, modify package contents due to improvements, availability and client demand. Some channels may be even turned off and we can not be held responsible for these changes.
Short version: We do NOT offer refund on full subscriptions once they have been setup. So make sure to trial it to make sure you are happy with the service and know how it works.
This refund policy applies to all our products and service. To obtain a refund, the following terms stated in our refund policy must be matched. We reserve the right to change the Refund Policy conditions any time without prior notice. If you make a purchase, after your payment has cleared you will receive the product and solutions on the declared time. Once this is delivered to you by shipping or through mail, no refunds can be made.
All the products and service offered by us is totally non-tangible irrevocable, so the possibility of the refunds once the order is completed and delivered is not possible. It is recommended to you to understand the functionality and features of our product before placing an order to avoid the circumstances of refund.
In rare cases, we ACCEPT refund request for the following reasons ONLY:
Major defects:
Non-Delivery of the product:
Product not-as-described:
We are not responsible for delayed, lost, or misdirected email or any other communication system delays.
Our Technical Support Team are always available for assisting you 24*7 and deliver highly professional services and support in a well-timed manner.
Acceptance of this Refund Policy
Contact Us
Email Support:
For any request, query or complaints, please give us maximum 48 hours to get back to you.
Please note requests for a refund are accepted at mail: within the time of 1 week after the order is made. Please provide us the thorough and supported reasons behind the reason of refund. Please ensure that your request does not controvert our Terms and Conditions.
Disclaimer – Sometimes, some channels may be turned off for a shorter periods due to upgrade or frequency changes. The complete channel lineup are provided by a 3rd party, so we can not be held responsible for these changes. Some problems you may experience might be a problem with your Internet Service Provider (ISP), for what we cannot provide client support, cannot be held responsible and will not issue refund under any circumstances.
We acknowledge your visit to our website. Protection of your personal and private data is the significant matter for us. By accessing our site, you need to accept the terms listed on the website and agree to our privacy policy. You should agree with the condition that, we may change any terms and conditions in future and this will be updated on the site for your preference.
What personal data do we gather from the visitors who visit our website?
While registering or purchasing within our website, you may be asked to provide us personal or organizational information that may involve your name, email address, phone number or other details to support you with your knowledge.
When do we gather information from you?
We gather information from you when you visit, place an order, request a trial, access information on our site or give information to our customer support desk.
How do we use your information?
There are different ways we utilize your information that we gather from you when you register, sign up for our newsletter, make a purchase, browse the website, reply to a survey or marketing interaction, or some other site attributes in the following ways:
How do we secure visitor information?
All you personal information received behind protected networks and is particularly accessible by a less number of people who have appropriate access rights on such systems and are needed to have the information confidential. With this, all sensitive credit data you supply is encrypted through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. When users place a purchase in order to keep the protection of their personal information we make a variety of safety measures.
Any transactions made by the user are not processed or stored on our servers but processed by gateway providers.
Do we use ‘cookies’?
No, we are not using cookies to pull visitors to our site. We hold the right.
Is there any Third Party Disclosure?
We do not disclose your personal information to third parties. It does not involve website hosting partners and other parties who help us in running our website, servicing you or conducting our business, up to those parties accept to hold this information secure. We may also publish your information when we think the release is relevant to follow the law, enforce our website policies, or secure ours or others’ property, rights, or safety or for corporate action. Still, non-personally recognizable visitor information may be given to other parties for advertising, marketing, promotion or other uses.
Third party links:
Sometimes, at our choice, we may add or allow third-party products or services on our site. Separate and autonomous privacy policies are there for these third party sites. We, hence, have no obligation or responsibility for the content and actions of these linked sites.
COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act):
If it comes to the gathering of personal information from children below age 13, the act COPPA defines Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act puts parents in charge. The COPPA rule is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency that spells out what administrators of websites and online services need to do to protect children’s safety and privacy online. We do not explicitly market to children below age 13.
We gather your email address from our site or where you have opted into a specific a relationship with us, our team and our customer support desk:
Respond to questions, Send information, and or other inquiries or questions.
Method orders and to send information and updates concerning to orders.
Market to our mailing list or proceed to send emails to our customers after the first transaction has happened.
Emails enable users to unsubscribe by applying the link at the end of every email.
Contact Us
If you have any doubt in relation to this privacy policy you can you contact us using the information below. We in real apply all the mentioned policy. Use of the products and services of this site provides rise to no rights of activity for the different party against us, directly or indirectly, for faithfulness or otherwise.
Our main contact is
Kampagnepris (Begrænset tid)
© 2021 – – Alle Rettigheder